PS4 最终幻想:纷争NT.Dissidia Final Fantasy NT

PS4 最终幻想:纷争NT.Dissidia Final Fantasy NT-美淘游戏
PS4 最终幻想:纷争NT.Dissidia Final Fantasy NT


发行商:Square Enix
开发商:Team Ninja
平台版本:PS4 5.05,PS4 6.72,PS4 7.02,PS4 7.55,PS4 9.00

本作与PSP版不同,为3对3团队战,与伙伴的合作将是决定胜负的关键。此外,本作将在街机版的基础上追加世界观及故事等大量内容。 本作的剧情故事发生在PSP版之后很久的未来,PSP版本的故事已经完结,但为何神灵之间会发生争斗等问题将会在本作中得到答案。PSP版本中失去记忆的主角群们,在本作中将会拥有原作及PSP版本两边的记忆。

历代FINAL FANTASY系列作品的战士们再度集结!



– Additional Chat Messages for Ace
– Additional Chat Messages for Bartz Klauser
– Additional Chat Messages for Cloud of Darkness
– Additional Chat Messages for Cloud Strife
– Additional Chat Messages for Emperor
– Additional Chat Messages for Kain Highwind
– Additional Chat Messages for Kefka Palazzo
– Additional Chat Messages for Lightning
– Additional Chat Messages for Noctis Lucis Caelum
– Additional Chat Messages for Ramza Beoulve
– Additional Chat Messages for Rinoa Heartilly
– Additional Chat Messages for Sephiroth
– Additional Chat Messages for Shantotto
– Additional Chat Messages for Squall Leonhart
– Additional Chat Messages for Terra Branford
– Additional Chat Messages for Vaan
– Additional Chat Messages for Warrior of Light
– Additional Chat Messages for Y\’shtola
– Additional Chat Messages for Yuna
– Additional Chat Messages for Zidane Tribal
– Arc Arcana, Yuna\’s 5th Weapon
– Arc Sword, Tidus\’s 4th Weapon
– Archduke of Jeuno I Appearance for Kam\’lanaut
– Archduke of Jeuno II Appearance for Kam\’lanaut
– Archduke of Jeuno III Appearance for Kam\’lanaut
– Ardyn Izunia Starter Pack
– Armaments IV, Noctis Lucis Caelum\’s 4th Weapon Set
– Armaments V, Noctis Lucis Caelum\’s 5th weapon
– Arsenal IV, Bartz Klauser\’s 4th Weapon Set
– Arsenal IV, Firion\’s 4th Weapon Set
– Arsenal V, Bartz Klauser\’s 5th Weapon
– Astral Rod, Yuna\’s 4th Weapon
– Barbarian\’s Sword/Aegis, Warrior of Light\’s 5th Weapons
– Blade of Ruin, Ardyn Izunia\’s 4th Weapon
– Buster Sword (KH), Cloud Strife\’s 5th Weapon
– Cardinal, Rinoa Heartilly\’s 4th Weapon
– Courtly Headdress, Kefka Palazzo\’s 5th Weapon
– Crazy Eights, Ace\’s 5th Weapon
– Deathbringer, Vaan\’s 5th Weapon
– Destructive Tentacles, Cloud of Darkness\’s 4th Weapon Set
– Devoted Returner I Appearance for Locke Cole
– Devoted Returner II Appearance for Locke Cole
– Devoted Returner III Appearance for Locke Cole
– Divine Blade, Kam\’lanaut\’s 4th Weapon
– Dream Eaters, Cloud of Darkness\’s 5th Weapon
– Essence Shard, Sephiroth\’s 5th Weapon
– Excalibur, Lightning\’s 5th Weapon
– Excalibur, Ramza Beoulve\’s 4th Weapon
– Fallen One Appearance Set for Kefka Palazzo
– Gabranth Starter Pack
– Glacial Guard, Snow Villiers\’ 4th Weapon
– Golden Sword / Omnirod / Kiku-ichimonji, O. Knight\’s 4th Weap.
– Hell\’s Remnant Appearance Set for Emperor
– Holy Lance, Kain Highwind\’s 5th Weapon
– Hvergelmir, Shantotto\’s 5th Weapon
– Hyperion, Squall Leonhart\’s 4th Weapon
– Imperial Court Attire Appearance Set for Zenos yae Galvus
– Kam\’lanaut Starter Pack
– Karmic Rod, Emperor\’s 5th Weapon
– Laevateinn, Shantotto\’s 4th Weapon
– Lance of Ordeals, Kain Highwind\’s 4th Weapon
– Leather Suit Appearance Set for Tifa Lockhart
– Legatus of the XIIth,  Zenos yae Galvus\’s Extra Appearance
– Locke Cole Starter Pack
– Mace of Themis/Redemption, Gabranth\’s 4th Weapon
– Magician\’s Deck, Ace\’s 4th Weapon
– Nightmare, Ultimecia\’s 4th Weapon
– Nightseeker, Y\’shtola\’s 5th Weapon
– Novus I Appearance for Vayne Carudas Solidor
– Novus II Appearance for Vayne Carudas Solidor
– Novus III Appearance for Vayne Carudas Solidor
– Obsidian Scales, Golbez\’s 4th Weapon
– Omega Samurai Blade, Zenos yae Galvus\’s 4th Weapon
– Organyx, Cloud Strife\’s 4th Weapon
– Orichalcum, Zidane Tribal\’s 4th Weapon
– Party Dress I Appearance for Rinoa Heartilly
– Party Dress II Appearance for Rinoa Heartilly
– Party Dress III Appearance for Rinoa Heartilly
– Platinum Fists, Tifa Lockhart\’s 4th Weapon
– Platinum Sword, Vaan\’s 4th Weapon
– Ragnarok, Ramza Beoulve\’s 5th Weapon
– Recompense, Vayne Carudas Solidor\’s 4th Weapon
– Rinoa Heartilly Starter Pack
– Rod of Censure, the Emperor\’s 4th Weapon
– Safer Sephiroth Appearance Set for Sephiroth
– Second Coming, Sephiroth\’s 4th Weapon
– Seraphic Heart, Rinoa\’s 5th Weapon
– Shire Crook, Y\’shtola\’s 4th Weapon
– Sin\’s Spur, Jecht\’s 4th Weapon
– Sky Pirate Garb Appearance Set for Vaan
– Sleeping Lion, Squall Leonhart\’s 5th Weapon
– Snow Villiers Starter Pack
– Sun Blade / Diamond Shield, Warrior of Light\’s 4th Weapons
– The Combat Overcoat Appearance Set for Ace
– The Devotee\’s Raiment Appearance Set for Ardyn Izunia
– The Espers\’ Progeny Appearance Set for Terra Branford
– The False General Appearance Set for Gabranth
– The Knight in Shining Armor App. Set for Warrior of Light
– The Midnight Mauve Appearance Set for Lightning
– The Otherworldly Garb App. Set for Noctis Lucis Caelum
– The Samurai Appearance Set for Bartz Klauser
– The Scion Sorceress\’s Robe App. Set for Y\’shtola
– The Sky-Soarer Appearance Set for Cloud Strife
– The Sleeping Lion Appearance Set for Squall Leonhart
– The Soldier of Fortune Appearance Set for Zidane Tribal
– The Songstress\’s Garb Appearance Set for Yuna
– The Tower, Zidane Tribal\’s 5th Weapon
– The Unlikely Hero Appearance Set for Ramza Beoulve
– The Wanderer Appearance Set for Kain Highwind
– The Wedding Dress Appearance Set for Shantotto
– Thinking Cap, Kefka Palazzo\’s 4th Weapon
– Tifa Lockhart Starter Pack
– Turbid Cores, Kuja\’s 4th Weapon Set
– Ultima Weapon, Terra Branford\’s 5th Weapon
– Valiant Knife, Locke Cole\’s 4th Weapon
– Vayne Carudas Solidor Starter Pack
– Void Ruler Appearance Set for Cloud of Darkness
– Void Sword, Exdeath\’s 4th Weapon
– Waning Blade / Waxing Blade, Cecil Harvey\’s 4th Weapon Set
– Wedding Gown Appearance Set for Yuna
– Wild Bear Appearance Set for Snow Villiers
– Wings of Love Appearance Set for Rinoa Heartilly
– Yuna Starter Pack
– Zanmato, Garland\’s 4th Weapon
– Zantetsuken, Terra Branford\’s 4th Weapon
– Zenos yae Galvus Starter Pack

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